CV Prof. Dr. Ingolf Sack
Since 2019 W3 Professor for Quantitative MRI and Elastography at Charité Berlin
Since 2017 Spokesperson of DFG Research Training Group BIOQIC (GRK2260)
2010-2015 Heisenberg Professor for Experimental Radiology and Elastography at the Department of Radiology, Charité Berlin (W2)
2009-2014 Principal Investigator within the Exist program of the Ministry of Economy at the Department of Radiology, Charité Berlin
2004-2009 Head of an Emmy Noether Group of the DFG at Charité Berlin
2003 Postdoctoral Fellow of the Ernst Schering Science Foundation in Nonlinear Dynamic Elastography, Sunnybrook Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada
2002 Postdoctoral fellow of the DFG in elastography, Institute of Medical Informatics, Charité Berlin
1999 – 2001 Postdoctoral fellow of the DAAD and Minerva Science Foundation in solid state NMR, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
1995 – 1998 PhD thesis in physical chemistry, Free University Berlin
1995 Diploma thesis in physical chemistry, Free University Berlin
1990 – 1994 Study of chemistry (Dipl.-Chem), Technical University Berlin