1st International MRE Workshop & 1st BIOQIC Day


The MRE workshop and BIOQIC Day took place from 27th to 29th of September, 2017, at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany. Its focus was on biophysical foundations, clinical needs, research promises and technical solutions in quantitative medical imaging and MR elastography. The workshop provided an overview of current developements in these research areas and addressed the clinical relevance of emerging imaging techniques. The workshop hosted three outstanding keynote sessions by Georg Duda, Kristian Franze and Paul Janmey as well many short oral presentations and poster presentations.




  • Click here to download the abstract book
  • Click here for the presentation slides and audio recordings


We would like to thank all attendees for their participation and great contributions to the workshop!

Moreover, we congratulate the Presentation Award winners Gloria Fabris and Jing Guo to their outstanding scientific work and presentations!

We are looking forward to our next meeting at ISMRM in Paris 2018!


The Organizers

Ingolf Sack (Charité)
Curtis Johnson (University of Delaware)
Armando Manduca (Mayo Clinic)
Arun Kolipaka (Ohio State University)
Judith Bergs (Charité)

For questions please contact

Dr. Judith Bergs
BIOQIC coordinator







Wednesday 27/09/2017 – BIOQIC Day

Click here to see the BIOQIC Day program.


Thursday 28/09/2017 – International MRE Workshop

schedule thursday 1

schedule thursday 2


Friday 29/09/2017 – International MRE Workshop

Friday 1Schedule Thursday 3

Abstracts of keynote speakers: Kristian Franze and Paul Janmey.

Click here to download a printable version of the program, MAP MRE WORKSHOP VENUE and MAP SOCIAL EVENTS.


Poster contributions

  1. Koki Ishii et al. Chiba University, Chiba, Japan – Development of a Tissue-Mimicking Visco-elastic Phantom for Quantitative Assessment of MRE
  2. Harish Palnitkar et al. UIC Bioengineering, Chicago, USA – An investigation of the relationship between the grid dimensions and wave shapes of an anisotropic fiber phantom: preliminary results
  3. Angela Ariza de Schellenberger et al. Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany – Viscoelasticity of rat liver tissue in native, lysed and decellularized states measured by 0.5 T tabletop MRE
  4. Felix Schrank et al. Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany – Heparin as MRE phantom material with viscoelastic powerlaw properties similar to soft biological tissues
  5. Kisoo Kim et al. CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France – Multislice interventional MR Elastography using simultaneous image refocusing (SIR)
  6. Gloria Fabris et al. Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, USA – Correlating relative myelin content and dissipative properties of human brains: an in-vivo MRI study
  7. Frank Sauer et al. University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany – MR Elastography on polymer networks: a proof of concept for collagen gels
  8. Gergely Bertalan et al. Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany – Tomoelastography of the mouse brain


Click here to see hotel suggestions close to the Charité Campus Mitte.





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